Articles on: Navigation

Continuous Monitoring Dashboard

The Continuous Monitoring Dashboard lets you review and manage everything related to the continuous monitoring feature of OneClickComply. It can be accessed by selecting Monitoring from the main navigation menu, and clicking Dashboard from the associated dropdown, as shown below:

Navigation guidance for accessing the continuous monitoring dashboard

Navigating the page

A screenshot of the continuous monitoring dashboard

There are four notable areas on this page:

Your Compliance at a Glance

Shows a high level overview of your entire compliance standing, based off of your most recent continuous monitoring scan.

Click here to learn about the different statuses that may appear within this area.


Clicking 'Manage' on this area will allow you to change continuous monitoring settings for each of your connections.

Click here to learn more about making changes to the continuous monitoring side of OneClickComply.

Compliance History

Clicking 'Review' will show you detailed breakdowns of your past compliance scan results.

Click here to learn more about compliance scans.

On-Demand Scans

Clicking 'Manage' will take you through the process of running a compliance scan.

Click here to learn more about On-Demand scans.

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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