Articles on: Onboarding

Marking Tasks as Out of Scope

Sometimes a specific control outlined by compliance standard will not be relevant to your business. While this can be for a variety of reasons, it's important to know how to marks tasks as non-applicable to your compliance scope.

First, click Review on your desired task within the Outstanding Tasks area. See below:

An example of an outstanding task

From here, scroll down to the bottom of the task. Now select Outscope.

The different options available when reviewing tasks

Doing this will remove that specific task from your Outstanding Tasks queue and prevent OneClickComply from identifying it as a gap during any subsequent scans. Outscoped tasks will then be moved into the Outscoped Tasks area of the platform.

Note: Please ensure that tasks are not accidentally marked as Out of scope, otherwise compliance standing indications within the platform, such as the report card area, will not give an accurate representation of your compliance with a standard's technical controls.

Click here to learn about continuous monitoring and gap analysis, or here to learn about outscoped tasks.

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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