Articles on: Onboarding

Reviewing and Editing Policies

You can edit all of your policies by selecting Review on the desired task within the Templates area of OneClickComply. Below is an example of the Edit and Publish page for policy templates:

An example of the data protection policy page

We've already covered the Status, Last Modified and Modified by tags in a previous article (found here), so we'll just focus on the other sections of this page.

Update: Very simply, update allows you to make changes to the policy, such as changing the status from Draft to Live, or replacing the policy with a pre-created one.

Underneath Update you will find the Edit and Publish area. Here you find several options, which we will cover separately:

Default Template: As the name suggests, this tab contains the default version of the policy template. By scrolling down, you can select Use this template (as shown below) and this will overwrite any previous changes made to this policy, such as generated content or specific edits, so make sure that you don't erase any work!
Use this template button

View Generated Content: This tab will allow you to view and create any generated content for this policy. You will find two options in this area:
Policy editor and generate options

Policy Editor: This button takes you to the edit area where you can make any changes you wish to the content within your policy, whether you have used the default template, or automatically generated content.

Generate: Pressing this button enables the platform to automatically generate content for the policy, based on your currently implemented controls. This allows for your policies to be a true reflection of your security approach, without having to manually write down or remember the controls you have in place. Please note: The content is generated by our own AI model, so it is important to check that all of the content that it creates is accurate before publishing them.

Lastly, the final tab in this section is Policy Editor. As explained above, the Policy Editor allows you to make edit to either the policy template, or any generated content.

Now that you've learnt about creating policies, click here to learn about completing tasks, or here for continuous monitoring.

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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