What authentication methods does OneClickComply use to secure accounts?
Users can authenticate themselves through both Single Sign On, or by providing an API key. These are immediately encrypted using an encryption key that is held offline, in a secure location and are encrypted at rest by a decryption method only known to the senior accountable officer for security. This is stored in an offline state behind biometrics locks, biometrics safes and 24/7 audio & video monitored security by our partners at Securitas. If you require more information about the securFew readersDo I need to provide/upload any documents before onboarding?
You won't need to bring or upload any documents prior to the onboarding process. All you would need to bring to onboarding is a list of users that you would like to be onboarded onto the platform, and an outline of what permission levels you would like each user to have. Users can be onboarded to the platform at any point through the Account Wizard, and permissions can also be updated in the Account area in a few simple clicks. Click here (https://support.oneclickcomply.com/en/articlFew readersHow are user roles and permissions managed within the platform?
When onboarding, you will be asked to provide a list of people that you would like to have access to the platform. Permissions are handled on a tiered bases, with the Owner having the most control (able to complete tasks, assign admin permissions to other users etc.) then moving down to Administrator and Auditor roles. You may only have ONE User account active at a time, and this will be set-up during the onboarding process, and any changes to this account can only be authorised byFew readers