Platform Navigation
Outstanding Tasks
All of your Outstanding Tasks are located in the Outstanding Tasks area, which is accessible from the main menu under the Compliance tab. This page lets you view all of the compliance tasks that have yet to be completed, or have recently been generated as the result of a continuous monitoring scan. You can access the page by following the steps below: Navigation guidance for accessing the outstanding tasks area ( readersTask History
The Task History page contains a record of all tasks that have been completed, marked as manual, considered out of scope, or have failed to be completed in some form. This page works in tandem with both Outstanding Tasks and Manual Task Queue, so tasks will frequently move between all of these areas. You can access Task History by selecting Compliance from the main menu, then selecting Task History from the associated dropdown, as shown below: Navigation guidance forSome readersContinuous Monitoring Dashboard
The Continuous Monitoring Dashboard lets you review and manage everything related to the continuous monitoring feature of OneClickComply. It can be accessed by selecting Monitoring from the main navigation menu, and clicking Dashboard from the associated dropdown, as shown below: Navigation guidance for accessing the continuous monitoring dashboard ( =701x150) NavigatingSome readersManual Task Queue
The Manual Task Queue is your central hub for any tasks that you or your business have decided should be carried out manually. This can be for a variety of reasons, so we created a separate area in order to make tracking your different tasks more manageable. Your Manual Task Queue is located under the Compliance tab in the main navigation menu, as shown below: Navigation guidance for accessing the manual task queue ( readersAudit Logs
The Audit Log area serves as a record of all your compliance progress within the OneClickComply platform. It automatically collects important information about tasks and tabulates the data for reviewing or exporting purposes. Your audit logs can be accessed by selecting Audit Logs from the dropdown menu under Reporting. See below: Navigation guidance for accessing audit logs ( readersYour Account
The Account page serves as the main area for controlling your entire OneClickComply journey. You can onboard or offboard users, manage business details, and your connected tenants. You can access this area by selecting Manage Account from the Settings dropdown menu. See below: Navigation guidance for accessing the account management area ( =509x150) Navigating the page ThSome readersCompliance Scans
Your compliance scans give you a top down view of your entire compliance journey, and knowing how to properly review them is incredibly important. You can view both your most recent, and any previous compliance scans in the Compliance History area, located within the Compliance Dashboard. See below: Navigation guidance for accessing the compliance scans area ( =673x500) SelectSome readersIntegrations
The Integration area lets connect various applications to the OneClickComply platform. To access your integrations, select Integrations from the main navigation menu, then Marketplace from the dropdown menu. See below: ( readersContinuous Monitoring Settings
You can change various continuous monitoring settings through the Connections page within the Continuous Monitoring Dashboard. This can be achieved by navigating to Monitoring, then selecting Dashboard from the dropdown menu. Once on the Dashboard, you will see the Connections area on the left hand side. See below: Navigation guidance for accessing the continuous monitoring connections area ( readersReport Card
The Report Card page provides a top-down view of your entire compliance profile, highlighting your progress, and informing you of what work remains to be completed. You can access this area by selecting Reporting from the main navigation menu, then choosing Report Card from the dropdown. See below: Navigation guidance for accessing the report card area ( =713x200) There arFew readersOn-Demand Scans
You can access the On-Demand Scans page through the Continuous Monitoring Dashboard. The dashboard can be located under the Monitoring tab. You can follow the guide below to access the scans page: Navigation guidance for accessing the continuous monitoring dashboard ( =701x150) Once you on the Continuous Monitoring dashboard, select On-Demand Scans, as shown below: !Few readersOutscoped Tasks
You can access your Outscoped Tasks area by navigating to Compliance, and then selecting Outscoped Tasks from the dropdown, as shown below: Navigation guidance for accessing the outscoped tasks area ( =666x400) Navigating the page In this area you will find a list of all your compliance tasks that have been marked as 'Outscoped'. As with other task list pages, you willFew readersPolicy Generator
The Policy Generator can be accessed through the AutoComplete section of the OneClickComply platform, which is located within the Compliance tab. You can find the associated steps below: Navigation guidance for accessing the policy generator area ( =672x400) Navigating the page The Policy Generator area contains all of your in-progress and completed policies, and alsoFew readers